
LT Ray Dickop Post 36


105th Department Convention

July 10-14, 2024

Appleton, WI

Click Here for more details!

Our Post will have several members attending the 105th Department Convention. Donna Kleinmaus, Glenn Pietschmann, Mike Hartwell and John Zink will be the official delegates for Post 36. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to one of these four individuals.

LT Ray Dickop Post 36 in West Bend is proud to be a part of

The Mighty Second District of the Wisconsin American Legion.

For more information and a listing of district events within The Mighty Second District, be sure to check out their Facebook page by clicking HERE or the link below.


The Mighty Second District is part of the Wisconsin American Legion. Be sure to visit wilegion.org where you have access a wide variety of resources and information on numerous Legion programs. You to you can also renew your membership at wilegion.org or through mylegion.org .