Regular Post Meetings
Regular Post meetings start at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday of the month, every month*. The building opens at approximately 6:00 PM for a social gathering before each regularly scheduled meeting. The American Legion Auxiliary also meet at the same time.
Regular Post meetings are open to Legionnaires, guests and veterans looking for more information on joining the American Legion.
Executive Council Meetings
The Executive Council meets at 5:00 PM on the third Tuesday of the month, every month.*
Meeting Location
Regular Post and Executive Council meetings are held at The American Legion Post 36, 712 Park Av, West Bend, Wisconsin.*
Mailing Address
The mailing address for Post 36 is:
American Legion Post 36, P.O. Box 921, West Bend, WI 53095
*Meetings that fall on a holiday may be moved to an alternate date. Check the currect newsletter for any changes to the normal schedule or location.