Post 36 Family
Officers, Executive Council and Key Contacts
Sorry that the email addresses have been removed. Scammers (yes, some of us have other choice words for them) keep sending out bogus emails trying to get members to buy gift cards. These emails are scams.
Use common sense. When you get an email that does not seem right, call the person directly (never from a phone number with in the email) and have a conversation with them to verify the information.
Post Commander* | Charlie Young | 920-948-6602 | |
1st Vice Commander* | Mike Hartwell | 262-305-4036 | |
2nd Vice Commander* | Donna Kleinmaus | 262-305-4505 | |
Adjutant* | Jim Geldreich | 262-707-6686 | |
Finance Officer* | Ed Draeger | 262-689-4144 | |
Service Officer | James Maersch | 262-338-0991 | |
Historian | Mike Jansen | 262-573-0071 | |
Chaplain | Richard Gerard | 414-916-8253 | |
Sergeant-at-Arms | Glenn Pietschmann | 262-689-9329 | |
Parliamentarian | James Pouros | 262-483-5759 | |
Past CDR Position* | John Zink | 262-334-3055 | |
Past CDR Position* | James Maersch | 262-338-0991 | |
Past CDR Position* | VACANT | ||
Member at Large* | Mike Adell | 262-384-0404 | |
Member at Large* | Gary Logan | 262-442-8024 | |
Member at Large* | VACANT | ||
Building Committe POC | Mike Hartwell | 262-305-4036 | |
Color Guard POC | Richard Gerard | 414-916-8253 | |
Hall Rental POC | Donna Kleinmaus | 262-305-4505 | |
Security POC | Mike Hartwell | 262-305-4036 | |
Webmaster Newsletter Submissions |
Mike Hartwell | 262-305-4036 | |
*-Post 36 Executive Committee Officers
ALA President | Carolyn Schatz | 414-378-1703 | |
1st Vice Commander | TBD | ||
ALA Secretary | Shirley Tuttle | 262-573-3668 | |
ALA Treasurer | Carol Hausmann | 262-338-2004 | |
Sergeant-at-Arms | TBD | ||
Chaplain | Bernice Mueller | ||
Commander | Steve Rohde | 414-581-4381 | |
1st Vice Commander | Jeff Schwitz | 262-483-2857 | |
2nd Vice Commander | Glenn Pietschmann | 262-689-9329 | |
Adjutant | Tim Hansen | 262-305-5984 | |
Finance Officer | Corey Doehrmann | 262-305-0305 | |
Historian | Scott Mindel | 262-338-5890 | |
Sergeant-at-Arms | Todd Kaebisch | 262-707-4912 | |
Sergeant-at-Arms | Scott Roffers | 262-384-0106 | |
Director | Corey Doehrmann | 262-305-0305 | |
Assistant Director | Chris Goddard | 920-946-4187 | |
Secretary | Glenn Pietschmann | 262-689-9329 | |